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BC Dynamic VIP PAY announces a partnership with It's GameTime

Ivan Trajkovic

BC Dynamic VIP PAY is one of Belgrade's youngest basketball clubs, founded to develop young talents primarily. The club is considered one of the most organized in the country of basketball - Serbia. Such a modern, dynamic, inspirational sports organization has decided to onboard It's GameTime technology to support its mission further.

When it comes to results, Dynamic became a participant in the elite basketball competition within a short amount of time. Since the season 2016/17, under the supervision of coach Miroslav Nikolic, Dynamic entered the Basketball League of Serbia. As a result, it became a respectable club that will always find its place near the top.

The club has five generations of basketball teams, two of which are a senior and a junior team, and three of which are part of the basketball academy. Twelve coaches are in charge of working with the teams and the athletes, together with numerous staff. BC Dynamic VIP PAY trains at their facilities in central Belgrade. GameTime's location management capabilities are incredibly beneficial, considering that the main court is mainly preoccupied. "Being able to visualize the schedule against the court availability saves us so much trouble and time", states Predrag Kanacki, BC Dynamic's Technical Manager.

Basketball Club Dynamic is one of the first GameTime clients to utilize the Parents module's power. Parents are an integral part of an athlete's development at a young age. Parents can access the GameTime Mobile App and their children's schedules and progress information upon configuration. Additionally, with the opted-in messaging functionality, the system automatically creates a "Parents" chat channel for one-directional or two-directional information exchange.

GameTime is software for sports teams that centralizes messaging, scheduling, and exchanging files, making information exchange faster, more reliable, and more secure.

For anyone interested to try It's GameTime technology with a 1-month free trial, they are free to do so by requesting an invitation code here.

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