If you feel overwhelmed by your team calendar, you're not alone. But if you think your calendar is simple to follow, consider the following. Coaches of one team collectively lose nearly three hours per week to unnecessary conversations due to poorly communicated schedules - meaning communication fatigue is the norm, not the exception.
But it doesn't have to be that way. Here's how to unbreak this routine and stop the chaos.
If you pulled up your season calendar right now, how many events are scheduled over the next week? Most events are recurring, but what happens when there is an exception, or sudden change happens? There's a 50/50 shot that someone will miss it. First, take a minute to give your calendar some love. When managed effectively, every team member has more focus. But, if it's not well managed, the focus is undermined, causing the events unproductive due to chasing everyone who did not follow through. The schedule communicated through WhatsApp is impossible to follow, as the messages get buried with hundreds of others. Attaching any additional details to the WhatsApp message is impossible, so how do you communicate any details of your events other than the time and place?
So, to increase productivity and overall morale, consider why even team schedules require transparency and easy accessibility. Then, compare these principles with the training principles of your team - while repetition is the mother of excellence, it is the exceptions of expected norms that win games.
GameTime is software for sports teams that centralizes messaging, scheduling, and exchanging files, making data exchange faster, more reliable, and more secure.
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